Monday, November 1, 2010
Hello Friends! Good November to you!
Today starts the first of the Bible Studies I've given for you to read through the Bible in 1 year! -If you scroll down a few days to Sunday, October 24th, 2010 you will find the November Bible Studies I've posted for you.
I think you'll like them.
<>< <>< <>< Monday's prayer:
O' Lord, as the work starts this day; my thought in this new week is that I can make it a good week...because You will be with me. I don't need to worry. I don't need to let anything upset me. For You are right here beside me this Monday, and I am so thankful that I can count on Your strength and guidance and love as I begin another week. -Amen
Our Savior will come once more upon this earth,
Exalted on high and not of lowly birth;
He'll gather with Him all those who love His name,
He's coming again, yes, coming again.
He's coming again with angels shining bright,
In glory so fair from out the land of light;
Triumphant in pow'r, to earth He will descend,
He's coming again, yes, coming again.
He's coming again to judge the quick and dead,
The wicked shall flee before His face in dread;
The righteous shall shout and praise His holy Name,
He's coming again, yes, coming again.
He's coming again, we do not know the hour,
He told us to watch and pray to Him for pow'r;
That, come when He may, He'll find us ready then,
And waiting His coming again.
-Author Unknown
<>< <>< <>< ********* Blessings to you and yours! -Rev.Debbie ♥