Monday, March 14, 2011

In the end times it's been said that the wicked will just get worse and the righteous will become more righteous. I believe that. Jesus looks way down deep in our hearts and He knows His own. He knows the ones who love Him!
I think one of my most favorite verses is:

Ephesians 2
: 8-9

8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

9Not of works, lest any man should boast.

That says we are saved because of God's grace, which is favor with Him that we never earned or can earn, or never could even work for, not because of anything we could EVER do, it is a GIFT of God. It's not believing in Him plus going to church. It's not believing in Jesus plus keeping the ten commandments. It's not believing in Him plus leading others to salvation. It's not believing in Him plus giving a 10% tithe. It's not plus anything.

It's Nothing that anyone could get on their own so that in the end nobody can brag about that they did it without God. I just think that verse is great! It leaves no excuse for anybody. He's not asking for anything from anyone except faith in Him. I love Him so much!

Blessings to you and yours this day friend! -Rev.Debbie ♥